- CorelDRAW
Using Blend Tool in CorelDRAW X7
This is CorelDRAW Class NO# 56, in this video tutorial you can learn how to working with interactive Blend tool in CorelDRAW X7 version in Urdu Language or Hindi language. In CorelDRAW X7 lets you create blends, such as straight-line blends, blends along a path, and compound blends. Blends are often…
- Blogger
Disable Right Click in Blogspot in Urdu and Hindi
This is Blogger Class NO# 37, in this video tutorial you can learn how to disable right click on blogger in Urdu or Hindi Language. If you own a blog or a website then you always want to prevent other malicious bloggers from copying the content from your blog. You might…
- CorelDRAW
Using Contour Tool in CorelDRAW X7
This is CorelDRAW Class NO# 55, in this video tutorial you can learn how to working with Contour tool in CorelDRAW X7 Version in Urdu Language or Hindi Language. In CorelDRAW you can contour an object to create a series of concentric lines that progress to the inside or outside of…
- Blogger
Disable Text Selection in Blogspot in Urdu and Hindi
This is Blogger Class NO# 36, in this video tutorial you can learn how to disable text selection in Blog/Site for preventing copy paste in Urdu Language OR Hindi Language. a lot of content thief, content scraper copy our websites or blog sites content for use them on their commercial project or…
- CorelDRAW
Using Drop Shadow Tool in CorelDRAW X7
This is CorelDRAW Class NO# 54, in this video tutorial you can learn how to working with Drop shadow tool in CorelDraw X7 Version in Urdu Language OR Hindi Language. Drop shadows simulate light falling on an object from one of five particular perspectives: flat, right, left, bottom, and top. You can…