- System Tools
Microsoft NET Framework 1.1 – 9.0 Final all version Free Download
Microsoft .NET Framework is an integral part of many applications running on Windows and provides common functionality for those applications to run. As many of the new Microsoft Windows applications are developed using .NET Framework, it is becoming mandatory to install .NET Framework on our personal computers. Microsoft provides .NET…
- Action
Assassins Creed Chronicles Trilogy PC Game Free Download
Assassins Creed Chronicles Trilogy is 2.5D Assassin’s Creed PC Video game. Assassins Creed Chronicles China features the Chinese assassin Shao Jun in 1526, during the downfall of the Ming Dynasty. After being trained by legendary Italian assassin Ezio Auditore de Firenze, Shao Jun returns to her homeland to exact vengeance against the Templar…
- Action
Crysis 2D Highly Compressed Free Download
Crysis 2D ia a Action Video Game. Set in an alien ravaged New York. Like the original game, it promises to be technically superb, while giving players a choice in how they play the game. As well as the single player campaign, with its drama and impressive set pieces, there…
- Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop Topic 42 Lava Effect
In this video learning tutorial you can learn in Adobe Photoshop CC 14 Version How to Create Lava Effect/ Lava Text Effect also learn About Filter Stylize, Wind, Extrude and many more in Urdu Language and Hindi Language By Sir Muhammad Niaz. Lava Effect Adobe Photoshop Home Page – Adobe Photoshop Download…
- Action
Escape From Paradise City Highly Compressed Free Download
Escape From Paradise City is a PC Video Game. In this Game player takes on the role of a young, ambitious gangster with the single goal of becoming the most successful and influential criminal in the entire city. Move through the city, robbing, intimidating and killing all that stand in your…