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  1. hello jee kiaya aap mujay ENCRYPTED virus ky leye koyee anti virus muhayaa karsaktay hay please thanks

  2. Sir g Ik Help Chahiye Please Jwab Dena Main Sony Vegas Install Krta Hu To Ye Error Aata Hai “This verison of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you’re running. Check your computer’s system information to see whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) verion of the program” Sir Please Is Ka Hall Btain

  3. Asalam u alikum Niaz Bhai
    Please upload remaining videos of blogger as soon as possible , I am waiting from 3 month but still some videos are remaining , please upload quickly so that i can create my own blogger please.
    please send reply me on http://[email protected]
    Your sincerely,
    Fahad Aneeb.

  4. assalam-0-alaikum sir. kindly make a basic video tutorial in urdu for beginners about key, crack, serial, keygen, patch, full version, torrent, etc of some commercial softwares.thanks

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