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  1. Some of the games they dont have their files, it says the file is Deleted, Kindly look into it.
    And you are doing an amazing Job

    1. Heyy muhammad bro you can also add bloody roar series its also very famous and loved by fans i like your site very muchh i gonne save it definatly just want to give u a suggest add bloody roar 2 and bloody roar 3 and bloody roar 4 game also it will make it more intresting

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  3. Salam NIAZ , visiting your site site since 2016 , its wonderful mate , love it , all the compressed games


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      Please i have request if you can do for me a favour. i like to have Game of PES 2019 and s Anti virus and orginal windows 7,10, . my address is [email protected]

  4. dear please upload brain lara cricket 2007 setup.. but please don’t upload torrent file. parts me file upload karen ta ke me IDM se download ker sakon…. Thanks in Advance.. :)

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