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Tips and Tricks

MS Office 2019 How to Install Free Download & Activate (Urdu/Hindi)

Office Pro Plus 2019 Cover

In this video tutorial you can learn how to Free Download, Install and Activate(Registration) Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019 in Urdu Hindi Language. You can also learn about System Requirements Processor, RAM, Storage, Operating System, WinRAR, Extraction, ISO File Format and many more so Watch Learn and must Share with your Friends.

MS Office 2019 Installation

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Download Links= Office 2019.NET FrameworkActivator


  1. Assalam o alaikum Muhammad Niaz bhai Install hogya but Jab open karta hun 5 second baad force close hojata h

  2. Assalam o alaikum sir!
    bht bht shukria ap ki website pa umid sa bhi ziada helpful material milta ha or ms office bhi itna easily install ho gaya ALLAH PAK apko jaza dy AEMEEN SUMA AMEEN

  3. niaz bhai mere pas ye error araha hai
    sorry your version is not supported
    please try installing the lastest version here muhammadniaz.net

  4. Dear Bhai Jaan,

    After one day of activation office 2019, office again require activation KEY. I run again activation file but problem is still there. Please help in this matter and oblige.

    M. Imran

  5. Assalam Alaikum,
    1st time i download office 2021, and now locating the activator from your web, please help to locate,
    May Allah bless you

  6. I have activated successfully office pro plus 2019, but after few second it became inactive again, i dont understand this. guide me please

      1. mara office install hony sa pehly mjh sa cmd ki demand ki ab office
        install to ho gaya ha lakin product activate nhi hua sir kia karon

          1. i have installed microsoft 2019 but there were a problem for activation

  7. niaz bhai salamalaikum
    i downloaded the IDM, but its not working to download, even after copying the link.
    my downloads goes on browser, and its slow.
    in help, it says IDM is registered.

  8. asslam o alikum
    sir after running 2019 file this message is shown after wait

    Sorry! Your version is not supported.
    Please try installing the latest version here: muhammadniaz.net

  9. salamalikum niaz bhai,
    i downloaded the office 2019, its working but have a cross red icon beside word; excel files. this is something abnormal. pls. assist.

  10. Bhai ye jo activator hae wo activate nahi kar raha. mene office aur activator apke website se download kiye hain aur wo CMD kah rha hae.

    Sorry! Your version is not supported.
    Please try installing the latest version here: muhammadniaz.net

    please help

  11. The connection to my KMS server failed! Trying to connect to another one…
    Please wait…

    sir yh error ata hai cmd file run krne k bad – antivirus disabled hai

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