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Wanted Weapon of Fate Highly Compressed Free Download


Wanted Weapons of Fate is a Computer Video Game. Gameplay is a standard third person cover shooter with the ability use adrenaline to slow down time and curve bullets. Some levels contain QTE sequences with on-rail shooter elements. The player controls Wesley, while in flashback sequences, the player controls Cross, Wesley’s father. His father’s curve name is Shrapnel, an explosive bullet. The player also can use other characters that can be unlocked by defeating bosses: the SWAT leader, the Russian, Brummel and The Original Arana/Spider. Set about five hours after the events of the film, Wesley Gibson continues his transformation into a full-fledged assassin and heir to a legacy of a secret fraternity of assassins. He continues his quest with a new mission to seek out the French chapter of the Fraternity, hunt down the Immortal, and finally discover the truth about his family.

Wanted Weapon of Fate PC Video game Screenshots

Wanted Weapons of Fate Game Screenshot

System= Dual Core CPU 2.0 GHz
Storage= 4.66 GB
Size= 2.93 GB
Video Memory= 512 MB
OS= Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1 and Windows 10
System= Core 2 Duo CPU 1.8 GHz
Storage= 4.66 GB
Size= 2.93 GB
Video Memory= 512 MB
OS= Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1 and Windows 10

Line AnimatedHow to Download & Install Wanted: Weapons of Fate (Watch Video Tutorial)
Line Animated

Password= www.muhammadniaz.net
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  1. game play hojati hai but action screen par gun or gtarget lka logo araha hai baqi puri screen black hai kia masla hosakta hai

    1. 1. Run “setup.bat”
      2. Update direct X.
      3. Copy file from ‘Crack (Proper)” folder and paste it in your installed drive when ask for overwrite click on “YES”
      6. Play the game with “Wanted by Synergy” from desktop.

      Note : There are 2 cracks for this game if the game dosen’t run with the 1st crack then try this percedure.

      * Copy “loader.dll” & “Wanted.exe” file from “Crack” folder and paste it in your installed drive when ask for overwrite click “YES”

  2. Wanted Folder main Setup ho ga osi Click kare
    1. Run “setup.bat”
    2. Update direct X.
    3. Copy file from ‘Crack (Proper)” folder and paste it in your installed drive when ask for overwrite click on “YES”
    6. Play the game with “Wanted by Synergy” from desktop.
    Instructions Download Link main bi Mojod hai

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