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Using Freehand Pick Tool in CorelDRAW X7

Freehand Pick Tool in CorelDRAW

In this video learning tutorial you can learn how to use Freehand Pick tool in CorelDRAW X7 in Urdu and Hindi Language By Sir Muhammad Niaz. How to use Freehand Pick tool 1st Drag around the objects that you want to select. Objects that are partially enclosed by the selection area are not selected. 2nd To select objects that are partially enclosed by the selection area, hold down Alt while dragging. Watch learn and Share with your Friends & Family.

Class 4: Freehand Pick Tool

CorelDRAW Topic Homepage – CorelDRAW Download Link


  1. Assalam O Alaikom Sir

    Sir Kia Aap Bata sakte Hain K is Using Freehand Pic tool Me Aap ne Ye Gool Diyre Wali Pic k se Open ki hai Me Open Karta Hoon Dosra Pic Open nai Ota

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