The Stalin Subway in the Kremlin’s depths there is ripening a covert plot against Stalin. Stalin the General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party is already 72 years old, but he is still able to arouse fear in his subordinates and subjects. The most reliable way to do away with the aged ruler and usurp his power is to use a powerful secret weapon right during the Bolsheviks Party assembly…Â
The main character the KGB officer Gleb Suvorov – finds himself involved in the dramatic events against his own will. But he must prevent the explosion and rescue the lives of the innocent people.
Leading the main character through the tempest of the events, the player will visit the most prominent sights and secret underground objects of Moscow, like the existent subway stations, a secret military subway line, suburban catacombs, and many others.
Prepare yourself for the immersion into the thrilling atmosphere of the Moscow dark 50s…
The Stalin Subway Features
- The photorealistic representation of the most prominent Moscow sights: subway stations, the Kremlin, Moscow State University etc.
- The top-secret objects: a military transport underground line, secret labs, underground dug-outs, Stalin-s bunker;
- Authentic weaponry, including those that have never been offered in a computer game such as anti-tank rifle PTRS-41;
- The NPC-s are able to show the emotional reaction to the environment and the player-s actions;Â
- Control the trains of the secret underground line;Â
- Over 300 types of destroyable objects: book-cases, chairs, ashtrays and so on;Â
- Multiplayer: death match and special team scenarios, multiplayer maps designed as real Moscow places.
System= Pentium IV CPU 2.0 GHz
Size= 489.3 MB
Video Memory= 128 MB
OS= Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7 and Windows 8
Download Links Here
Hey mohd.niaz bro, i need this game the stalin subway full version, can u provide me the valid link to download it. Thanks
Hi Dear Ravi
i will Update the Link for you very soon
Asalam u alikum,
Muhammad Niaz I am really amazed by seeing your hardwork.You are just . Awesome!!Please If you can upload subway surfers London it is small and cool too.
Walikum Salam Thanks Dear i will try to upload it
I have this problem i cant get file from zip one
Disable Antivirus and then try or i will also Upload a Video tutorial on it