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System Tools

USB Write Protect Free Download

USB Write Protect Software CoverUSB Write Protect Information

USB Write Protect application allows you to protect valuable file(s) containing in your USB storage devices from accidentally modified or deleted and prevents unauthorized user from connecting their USB Storage Devices and copying your valuable files.

USB Write Protect Features

USB Write Protection
Protects valuable file(s) containing in your USB storage devices from accidentally modified or deleted.
USB Device Lock
It maintains the privacy by preventing unathorized user from connecting USB storage devices to your computer and copying your valuable files.
USB Device Autorun Control
USB storage devices are the one of the major sources of virus and other malicious programs. It protects your computer from viruses and other malicious programs by disabling USB Device’s autorun function and preventing them from automatically running and transferring to your computer.

Password Protected Settings
You can protect your protection settings by password and prevent unauthorized users from changind your protection settings.

for more Free Download= www.muhammadniaz.net
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  1. hi … when I run this software…. usb write protect .. password mang raha hai …
    n I can now fine ne

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