Medal of Honor Infiltrator Highly Compressed Free Download
Medal of Honor Infiltrator is an top-down third-person shooter video game, the sixth installment in the Medal of Honor series, and the second game for the Game Boy Advance. The game was developed by Netherock Ltd. and published by  in North America on June 2013, and in Europe and Japan on December 2003. It is the only game in the franchise that PEGI has given a rating of less than 12+.
In the game, the player takes the role of Corporal Jake Murphy, completing five missions to defeat the Axis in some of most famous battles in World War II. The game features 15 missions spread across three theaters including 5 missions behind enemy lines. Infiltrator is technically both a third-person shooter with a fixed view and a first-person shooter blended together. Through the use of a link cable, Infiltrator supports up to two players. It also feature connectivity option, which connects both the game and the Nintendo GameCube version of Medal of Honor: Rising Sun using the Nintendo GameCube Game Boy Advance Cable allowing the Game Boy Advance to be used as a in-game map. Upon completing all of the missions, the player unlocks Survival Mode, where the objective is to see how long the player can survive and then try to beat his high score. Completing the game with bonus objectives fulfilled unlocks “Max GI Mode” where the player must complete every mission continuously without turning off the game system.
System= Pentium III CPU 1.0 GHz
RAM= 256 MB
Size= 18 MB
Video Memory= 32 MB
OS= Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista, 7 and Windows 8
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Thanks Dear