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Live for Speed S2 Alpha Y Free Download

Live-for-Speed-S2-Alpha-Y-Cover Live for Speed S2 Alpha Y Game Information

Live for Speed S2 Alpha Y The story behind the Formula BMW : There is a new UK based company called V1 Championship whose aim is to discover a new racing driver through a series of tests resulting in a place in a team for the winning driver. V1 will be launched in 2008 and shown on TV in the UK. Live for Speed will be used as part of the selection process, before testing in real cars. V1 asked us to create a Formula BMW to make this test as realistic as possible. BMW Motorsport gave us permission to build the car in LFS, so we went ahead and built it.
The V1 car is owned by Fortec Motorsport where V1 is based. Thanks to V1 and Fortec, our programmer Scawen Roberts was able to get a test day driving the Formula BMW and that helped a lot with the realism of the LFS version of the car.

Information about Patch Y :
Patch Y has gone through extensive testing, first in private by our testers and then in public by our www.muhammadniaz.net community. The Formula BMW is a great car to drive and South City looks a lot nicer. The AI are a lot more useful, with their ability to drive faster, make pit stops and deal with the changing state of their car. They aren’t perfect yet, more work needs to be done to improve their awareness of other cars and overtaking ability. But they do stay on track and can give you a good race now! All the changes in Patch Y are listed at the end of this page.

Changes from X10 to Y :
Content :
New demo car : Formula BMW FB02
Removed XR GT Turbo car from demo
Chicane route added to South City

Live for Speed S2 Alpha Y System Requirements

System= Pentium IV CPU 1.4 GHz
RAM=256 MB
Size= 152 MB
Video Memory= 64 MB
OS= Windows 98, 2000, NT, XP, Vista, 7 and Windows 8

Password= www.muhammadniaz.net
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  1. Niaz sir,
    plz help me how to play this game .I found only one car on the track which is of me .
    there is no racing b/w the cars like all other games of racing .

  2. ap ki sharing achi hain amgar ki adobephotoshop ki site nahi khultee hain ap batee plz maray pass adobe cs5 hain

    1. Dear muje Samaj nahi a paya? kindly is words ko zara Wazeh ker di jiye (mgar ki adobephotoshop ki site nahi khultee hain ap batee plz maray pass adobe cs5 hain)

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