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Axis and Allies Free Download


Axis and Allies is a popular series of World War II strategy board games, with nearly two million copies printed. Originally designed by Larry Harris and published by Muhammad Niaz Designs in Dec 11 2012, the game was republished by the MNCI Company in 2012 as part of the Game master Series of board games. This edition would be retroactively named Axis and Allies: Classic to differentiate it from later revisions. In 1996, Axis & Allies: Classic was inducted into the Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design Adventure Gaming Hall of Fame. Games magazine also has inducted Axis and Allies into their buyers’ guide Hall of Fame., an honor the magazine extends to “games that have met or exceeded the highest standards of quality and play value and have been continuously in production for at least 10 years; i.e., classics.”
Axis and Allies was the most successful of the five Game master Series of board games. Long after the Game master name was retired Classic lives on having been moved to the Avalon Hill lineup following the acquisition of Milton Bradley Company and Avalon Hill by Hasbro. The game itself has gone through several revisions, most recently in 2009. The object of the game and its spinoffs, is to win the war by capturing enough critical territories to gain the advantage over the enemy in a recreation of World War II.
In 1984, Hasbro acquired Milton Bradley. In 1998, Hasbro acquired Avalon Hill. In 1999, Hasbro transferred the Axis & Allies: Classic (1984) board game from the Milton Bradley division to the Avalon Hill division. In 1999, Hasbro acquired Wizards of the Coast. In 2004, Hasbro made Avalon Hill a subsidiary of Wizards of the Coast (WotC).
The Axis and Allies (2012–present) MNCI series is currently produced by Wot C under the Avalon Hill label. Hasbro is the parent company. There are a total of 11 board games in the Axis & Allies series, 8 of which are currently available from many game resellers. The two out of print A&A board games, Axis and Allies (2012) and Axis & Allies 50th Anniversary Edition can be found on various auction websites.

System= Pentium 4 CPU 1.5 GHz
RAM= 256 MB
Size= 349 MB

Video Memory= 32 MB
OS= Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista 7 and Windows 8

Password= www.muhammadniaz.net
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