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Media Players

RealPlayer Free Download

RealPlayer Software Cover

RealPlayer Information

Real Player Gold Plus The best media player for watching, downloading, converting & organising your videos. RealPlayer has always enabled you to play RealAudio (*.ra) and RealMedia (*.ram) files.

Download videos from thousands of Web sites with just one click
Build your own video library and playlists
Play all major audio and video formats
Flash Video support
DVD, SVCD, VCD burning and video recording
RealPlayer for personal use includes audio CD burning capabilities, DVR-style playback buffering, multimedia search, Internet radio, a jukebox-style file library, an embedded web browser (using Microsoft Internet Explorer), and the ability to transfer media to a number of portable devices, including Apple’s iPod, MP3 players, and Windows Media devices.


Real Player Gold Plus Gives You the Ability to download videos from Thousands of Web sites with just one click, and even now You Can Burn Them to CD. Watch Them Whenever and wherever you want. Download Internet videos with one click, build your own video library and playlists, or burn your favorite videos to CD or DVD with RealPlayer. RealPlayer plays all major audio and video formats
Real Player Gold Plus is the new version of one of the most respected multimedia players the Internet, RealPlayer. After all, who never met a file in RM or RMVB? Of course, these formats have lost some popularity because of the evolution and rise of other codecs, however RealNetworks still bet on disclosure of your player to stay well in the market.
In eleventh version, RealPlayer finally allows competing formats to be played, such as Flash videos and extension MOV, QuickTime. Courage to sail the seas enemies or just a question of survival? Only the future can tell, but the decision is bold.

RealPlayer Screenshot

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